Belajar 3 Bahasa Mudah: Teknik O2 Method untuk Mempelajari Kosakata Family and Relationship - Bagian 7

Investasi terbaik ialah investasi dari leher ke atas. Oleh karenanya, banyak orang yang bergulat untuk terus meningkatkan kemampuannya dengan membaca dan menulis. Selamat malam sob, gimana kabarnya nih? Semoga sehat dan berkah selalu amin. Sebelumnya, kita telah membahas terkait topik ringan pendidikan dan pembelajaran atau education and learning.

Saat ini banyak sekali platform yang menyediakan jasa pendidikan dan bisa diakses sangat mudah. Namun, tetap saja pendidikan yang paling efektif adalah pendidikan secara offline sehingga mampu berinteraksi langsung dengan para siswa/i. Sebelumnya, kita telah melewati masa pandemi yang sangat menyulitkan para siswa/i untuk mengakses pendidikan. Namun, dengan adanya outdoor learning dapat menjadi solusi belajar saat pandemi.

 Kita telah membahas terkait pendidikan dan pembelajaran yang dapat diakses semakin mudah. Lalu bagaimana mengekspresikan hal tersebut? Yup tinggal bilang aja “Wow that would make things so much easier” atau bisa membuat semuanya jauh lebih mudah. Mau baca selengkapnya? Yuk bisa baca topik sebelumnya kesini klik disini

Setelah kita bahas terkait pendidikan dan pembelajaran, topik berikutnya ialah Family and Relationships atau Keluarga dan Hubungannya. Hubungan disini memiliki makna tentang jenis interaksinya ya gaes seperti romantis, persahabatan dan lain-lain. Oh ya langsung aja yuk simak percakapannya.

Ogi: Hey Nurul, how’s everything going with your family?

Nurul: Hi Ogi, Things are pretty good. We had a family gathering last weekend, which was nice. How about you?

Ogi: That sounds lovely! My family is doing well too. We don’t get together as often as I’d like, but we try to make the most of it when we do. Do you have any siblings?

Nurul: Yes, I have an older sister and a younger brother. We’re pretty close. How about you?

Ogi: I have one younger sister. We used to fight a lot when we were kids, but now we get along really well. Do you see your siblings often?

Nurul: Not as much as I’d like. My sister lives in another city, and my brother is busy with his studies. But we try to stay in touch through video calls. How about your sister?

Ogi: She lives nearby, so we see each other quite often. It’s nice to have family close by. How are things with your partner?

Nurul: Things are great! We’ve been together for three years now. We’re planning a trip together next month. How about you? Are you seeing anyone?

Ogi: Yes, I’ve been dating someone for about a year. It’s going really well. We’re thinking about moving in together soon. Any tips for maintaining a good relationship?

Nurul: Communication is key. Always be honest and open with each other. And make sure to spend quality time together, even if it’s just a simple dinner at home. What about you? Any advice?

Ogi: I agree with you on communication. Also, it’s important to support each other’s goals and dreams. It helps build a strong foundation. Do you and your partner have any special traditions?

Nurul: We have a movie night every Friday. It’s something we both look forward to. Do you have any traditions with your partner?

Ogi: We love cooking together on weekends. It’s a fun way to bond and try new recipes. Family and relationships can be challenging, but they’re so rewarding.

Nurul: Absolutely. It’s all about finding balance and making time for the people who matter most.

Ogi: By the way, have you heard about the GlimChat app? It’s great for transferring money to any bank in Indonesia for free. No admin fees or transaction limits!

Nurul: Really? That sounds super convenient. I’ll have to check it out. Do you use it often?

Ogi: Yes, I use it all the time. It’s available on Google Play and the App Store. Here’s a picture of the app interface:

Nurul: Thanks for the tip, Ogi! I’ll definitely give it a try

Yuk terus berlatih topik percakapan ringan ini. Luruskan niat kuatkan tekad. Semoga manfaat dan berkah amin. 

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