It's My Deepest Zeal!!

Me and My Little Brothers
Assalamu'alaikum wr wb, Good night guys!! Ok guys, Probably right now I'd like to tell you about what is my deepest zeal??. Actually every single day I really want to make my mother smile. I couldn't do anything except I have to get a better thing through my study here. I don't want to make my mother cries. So that I have to obey everything that she wants. I really dissappointed when I couldn't get what my mother wants. So that I have to be more struggle than before. When in the past time my mother ever said that "Ogi you have to believe to yourself that you can face everything in front of you". and than I just nodded and agreed but without action. I've ever stayed in islamic dormitory for about 3 years. And right here I was taught by many people and environment that one day you will never always be with your mom, so that you have to do everything by yourself. In this dormitory or it is called by alhikmah 2, I didn't cry when the first time i came here, because I've ever felt islamic dormitory before especially when I was junior high school. At that time I always cry, I couldn't hod my tears, I really wanted to come back and hug my mother so much. Fortunetely It was just passed by. I had just stayed there for about 2 months because my score in my school was undervalue, so that my mother taught that "I seldom study in dormitory". So I came back than I didn't continoue it. Up to know I really want to say thanks to my mother because she had brought me to islamic dormitory, without her pray I couldn't stay for about 3 years than got a lot of things especially about discipline.
Me and Mr Keyvan
   For about 3 years I joined in EDS (English Department Student). I learned so much about english there. There were many brothers who really care with me. Everyday we had to speak english and if we broke the rule there would be punishment. Therefore I could little bit speak english. I'd like to say many thanks to all of my brothers who already gave their leisure time for recination and study club. and one thing that I never forget is our motto "Spirit, Confident, and Always Together". Yeah right here without togetherness we couldn't make a great thing. we always get recitation, punishment and etc together. It was really the greatest memorable for me.
   Right now I feel the benefit from EDS lessons. Listening, Writing, Speaking  made me so confident in english. The methode was really easy. After that I tried to register some jobs especially in english. I tried to look for in internet, than I got it. Tutor Surplus was the place for me to share my english. It was really best experience when I had to teach iranian student. He has been old but his passion for studying were really great. I tried to tell him about what is tenses. Than he got a little confuse because sometimes he didn't understand what i said. so I had to make a movement that made him understand. so when I said "play football". I had to make some movements such as kick the ball, and sometimes he laughed at me. and sometimes we study outside. we played table tennis, actually he could play it, but he seldom beat me. Ohh ya I almost forget it, His name was Keyvan, he was from Iran. Therefore from this job, I wish that I could relieve my mother's financial than I could buy all that i want.  Ok guys that's all my post for today. I hope it can be usefull for us. I close assalamu'alaikum wr. wb . :)

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